Monday, November 15, 2010

Health Effects of Black Currant

There's nothing like the "dog days of summer" to remind us how fragile our bodies can be due to excessive heat. Even the healthy and competitive athlete can experience problems with lack of appetite, dehydration and vitamin loss during heat waves. In this article I will offer some common sense steps to staying health and eating well during those long, hot days.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need:

  • A basic understanding of hydration and caloric needs
  • "Listening" to your body
  1. 1
    Realize that heat can kill, especially the very young and the very old due to poor immune function, body fluid alterations and the inability to protect themselves from excessive heat. Recognize this for yourself and those you love. Finding a cool place (air conditioning) may be essential to maintaining fluid balance during heat extremes. If you do not have access to air conditioning, call your local Department of Public Health; they may have a list of "cooling centers" for you to take advantage of.
  2. 2
    Review your diet. Eat five to six small, protein-enriched meals a day to maintain caloric intake. Calories are the "fuels of energy" that provide for basic bodily function such as heart rate, lung and kidney function.
    Eliminate or greatly reduce all caffeine, alcohol and refined sugars from your diet. These will increase your metabolic demand and lead to fluid imbalance, as well as protein metabolism.
  3. 3
    Include fruits high in fiber and natural juice content to help maintain blood sugar levels, provide some nutrient-rich fluid and be a source of calories. Do not neglect, however, the consumption of small, protein-enriched foods.
  4. 4
    Avoid the sun for periods greater than 15 minutes (less is best during heat extremes). Do not forget that an SPF of 15 not only protects your skin from sun damage, but also may prevent severe burning. Keep in mind that once skin is sunburned the body demands an increased fluid intake to help heal the burned skin (that is exactly what a sunburn is, a first-degree burn).
  5. 5
    If you feel faint, have trouble with thinking or feel lightheaded, I suggest an evaluation by an emergency medical provider. Severe dehydration may require the use of intravenous fluid rehydration.

Read more: How to Eat Well During a Heat Wave |

What Is a Whey Protein?

When people make cheese from milk, the whey is the leftover liquid that does not become part of the cheese. The University of Michigan Health System explains that whey contains proteins and that people can safely use leftover whey.

   1. According to the University of Michigan Health System, people digest whey protein more rapidly than many other protein types. It contains the proteins beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin and also has amino acids.
   2. The proteins in whey can help the body produce lean muscle more quickly, according to the National Dairy Council. Higher protein diets can also aid weight loss, athletic performance and overall health.
   3. Some people make their own protein dietary supplements out of the whey leftover from making cheese. Commercial food companies also add leftover whey to a variety of foods including ice cream, baby formulas, canned soups and bread to increase nutritional value.

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What Causes Dental Cavities?

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease or gingivitis, is one of the most common chronic diseases in… More

Read more: What Causes Dental Cavities?: How to Prevent Dental Cavities |

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to Use the Standard Days Method of Family Planning

The Standard Days method of family planning is a natural method of birth control. Developed by researchers at the Institute for Reproductive Health at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, the Standard Days method is popular among couples whose religious beliefs prevent them from using other methods of contraception, such as birth control pills or intrauterine devices, or IUDs. The Standard Days method helps women track their menstrual cycles and recognize when they are most fertile, so they can avoid unprotected sex during that time period.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need:

  • Calendar
  • Cycle beads (optional)

    Calendar Method

    Mark the day you get your period on a calendar. This is Day 1 of your cycle.
  2. Mark the remaining days of your cycle as Day 2, Day 3, and so on until you get your period again. According to the research behind the Standard Days method, you will be most fertile on Days 8 through 19.
    Abstain from sex, or from unprotected sex, during Days 8 through 19 of your cycle. During Days 1 through 7 and Days 20 through the rest of your cycle, you are unlikely to become pregnant and may engage in intercourse.
  4. CycleBeads Method

  5. 1
    Track your cycle using CycleBeads if you prefer. Many couples who use the Standard Days method use CycleBeads to track the woman's fertility cycle. CycleBeads are a circular string of 32 color-coded beads, suitable for women with menstrual cycles lasting up to 32 days.
    Use the rubber ring on the CycleBead string to track the days of your cycle. The single red bead on the string represents Day 1 of the cycle, so start with the rubber band there on the day your period starts.
    Move the rubber band from bead to bead as your cycle progresses. Make note of the color progression of the beads. Brown beads represent the less fertile days of your cycle, when you are highly unlikely to become pregnant. The white, glow-in-the-dark beads represent the fertile days of your cycle when you should abstain from sex or unprotected sex.

Tips & Warnings

  • The Standard Days method is based on research of women with menstrual cycles lasting from 26 to 32 days. If your menstrual cycle is longer or shorter than this, the method may not be as effective or safe in preventing pregnancy. This method also is not for women with irregular menstrual cycles.
  • The effectiveness of the method depends on abstaining from sex or using protection during the fertile days of a woman's menstrual cycle. If you find this period of abstinence difficult, use a different method of family planning.
  • As with any method of birth control, except total abstinence, the Standard Days method is not foolproof. During the infertile days of your cycle, it is highly unlikely you will become pregnant, but it is not impossible.

Read more: How to Use the Standard Days Method of Family Planning |

Four Types of Artificial Family Planning Methods

   1. Now, more than ever before, as ambitious couples race to pursue their education and career goals, many choose to postpone -- or delay indefinitely -- having children. They want to wait for the right moment before adding kids to the mix. On the other side of the coin are those millions of men and women of reproductive age who face infertility problems. According to the National Women's Health Information Center, infertility is equally prevalent in women as in men, and these couples must use alternative procedures to conceive. Fortunately, artificial family planning methods cater both to those couples seeking to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and to those who cannot conceive through natural means.
                             Intrauterine Insemination
   2. IUI is an artificial insemination method in which the use of a catheter is involved to inject semen into the uterus. While reproductive endocrinologists typically handle this procedure, many women choose to do it themselves at home, using home insemination kits purchased online. Success rates vary but can reach approximately 60 percent if done through fertility centers. Costs for this procedure are usually between $300 and $800, as of 2010.
                                IUD Birth Control
   3. Also known as the "Copper T," the IUD is a small device made of plastic, metal, or copper that is inserted into the uterus to prevent fertilization. Currently, the IUD is the most commonly used form of female birth control on the market. Although costs can fall between $500 to $1,000, depending on insurance plans and details, the IUD is effective for up to 12 years. It can be removed if and when pregnancy is desired.
                                In Vitro Fertilization
   4. Since the 1980s, more than 250,000 babies have been born via IVF. This procedure involves combining male sperm cells with female ovarian eggs in a laboratory. Once fertilization occurs, the embryo is placed in the uterus where it begins to develop naturally. Less than 5 percent of infertile couples use this method, however, IVS remains one of the only options to offer infertile couples the opportunity to produce children biologically related to both parties. This procedure typically costs around $12,400, as of 2010.
5. Condoms are the most common male contraceptive method on the market. They act as a barrier between the sperm cells and the inside of the vagina, thereby preventing the fertilization process. Ideally, condoms are about 97 percent effective in preventing pregnancy, but the more realistic statistics cite a range of 80 percent to 90 percent as being more accurate. Condoms are convenient in that they are inexpensive and can be found in most drugstores.